A Publication List of the Laboratory Since 1995

2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | Books



Mao Qinglu, Zhao Guiwen, Tang Bing, Shao Xueguang


Application of factor analysis in chromatography

Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Chinese Journal), 1995,23(2),224-230



Mao Qinglu, Shao Xueguang, Tang Bing, Zhao Yuwen, Rong Kelan, Yao Zhiwen


Application of window factor analysis in study of UV-spectra of Cu(II)-CitNa3 complexation

Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis (Chinese Journal), 1995,15(5):29-34



Shao Xueguang, Zhao Guiwen


Studies on the application and mechanism of rare eaths in the dyeing of textile fibers

Chemistry (Chinese Journal), 1995, (5):48-50



Shao Xueguang, Liu Wei, Zhao Guiwen


Application of rank anihilation factor analysis to quantitative analysis of Dy and Y in HPLC

Journal of Rare Earths, 1995, Special Issue:686-689



Zhao Guiwen, Liu Wei, Shao Xueguang


Separation and determination of 16 rare earths by reverse-phase HPLC (in Japanese)

Kidorui (Japanese Journal), 1995,(26):390-391



Zhao GuiwenShao Xueguang


Rare Earths Elements And Their Application,
Chapter 16: Application of Rare Earths to Dyeing and Currying,

Metallurgical Industry Press, Beijing, 1995:274-277



Shao Xueguang, Liu Wei, Zhao Guiwen


An application of aritificial neural network to the determination of Dy, Y, Gd, Eu from HPLC Data

The Second International Symposium of Worldwide Chinese Scholar on Analytical Chemistry (ISWCSAC'95)(1995.11.15, Shenzhen):514-515



Shao Xueguang, Cui Guanglei, Zhao Guiwen


An application of genetic algorithms to the analysis of EXAFS spectrum

The Second International Symposium of Worldwide Chinese Scholar on Analytical Chemistry (ISWCSAC'95)(1995.11.15, Shenzhen):512-513



Tang Bing, Shao Xueguang, Zhao Guiwen


Resolution of overlapping GC-MS peak by window factor analysis(WFA)

Proceedings of the 8th national symposium on organic MS (Yangzhou,1995):97



Shao Xueguang, Zhong Hongbo, Zhao Maosen


Analysis of EXAFS spectra by wavelet transform  

Proceedings of the National Symposium on Computer Chemistry, (Shanghai,1995):122-123