Welcome to the Home Page of Xueguang Shao



说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\shao01.jpg

Department of Chemistry,
Nankai University,
Tianjin, 300071, P.R. China

TEL: +86-22-23503430
FAX: +86-22-23502458

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说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\lab.gif


说明: 说明: 说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gif
 Member of the editorial board of Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a6ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Computer and Applied Chemsitry (Chinese Journal)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chemical Reagents (Chinese Journal)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chinese Journal of Chemistry
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chinese Journal of Chromatography
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chemical Journal of Chinese Uniersities
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gif Member of the editorial board of Chemical Research in Chinese Universities
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gif Member of the Committee of the Computer Chemistry Division, Chinese Chemical Society
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gif Member of the Committee of the Organic Analysis Division, Chinese Chemical Society



说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\lab.gif

Teaching Experience

说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gifAnalytical Chemistry
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a6ball.gifChemoinformatics
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gifPrinciple of Instrumental Analysis
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gifSeparation Science and Its Development
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gifFrontier in Modern Analytical Chemistry


说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\lab.gif

Research Works

说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gifAnalytical Mehtods (1999-)
     Development of Analytical Methods for Complex System Analysis


说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a2ball.gifHPLC - high performance liquid chromatography
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gifGC/MS - gas chromatography / mass spectroscopy
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gifNear-infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy
    - Modeling methods for quantitative and determination analysis
    - Strategy for improving the sensitivity (detection limit)
    - Temperature-dependent NIR spectroscopy
    - Variable selection methods
    - Model transfer / Spectral standardization
    - NIR bigdata
    - Applications

说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gifChemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (1992-)
    Development and Application of Chemometrical Methods for Analysis of Complex Systems


说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a1ball.gifChemical Factor Analysis
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a2ball.gifGenetic Algorithm
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gifArtificial Neural Network
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gifSimulated Annealing
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a5ball.gifWavelet Analysis
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a6ball.gifImmune Algorithm (Supported by NNSFC)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a1ball.gifStochastic Resonance Algorithm (Supported by NNSFC)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a1ball.gifIndependent Component Analysis (Supported by NNSFC)

说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a3ball.gifMolecular Simulation (1999-)
     Development and Application of Computational Mehtods for Molecular Simulations


说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a2ball.gifMolecular Simulation by Molecular Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics and Gaussian Calculations
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a6ball.gifOptimization of Atomic/molecular Clusters (Supported by NNSFC)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a4ball.gifMolecular Recognition in Cyclodextrin host-guest and Protein-ligand Systems (Collabrated Project)

说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a2ball.gifSeparation and Quantitative Determination by HPLC (1990-1996)
说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a1ball.gifApplication of Rare-earths in the Dyeing of Textile Fibers (1984-1992)



说明: 说明: F:\my_file\www\xshao\html\a6ball.gifPublication List:


1987-1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, Books

Links to the Laboratory of Chemoinformatics, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University (NKU)